“Why should I start my own business?” For nearly every business that exists or has existed, this is the question that is asked at the beginning. Maybe you are tired of the full-time, 9 to 5 work day, working for someone else style of life. Or maybe you have a wonderful idea that just has to be put out to the rest of the world.
Regardless of how the idea first comes about, starting a business is a major decision for most individuals. There are a few general reasons why someone may choose to start their own business:
- You work for yourself instead of someone else. Who doesn’t want to be their own boss?
- You get to be more critical to the business. When you build a business from scratch, the success and failure of that business falls entirely on yourself. This can be scary, but all the more satisfying.
- You may want more money and discover that a business you start makes more than another job you may have had.
- You don’t utilize merely one job description. As a small business owner, you have to take on various roles in order to have your business succeed.
Once you have made the decision to begin a business, an important resource for all small businesses is the Small Business Development Centers, or SBDCs. These centers are places where small business owners such as yourself can go to receive free face-to-face business consulting, at-cost training on various topics, and other resources to help you grow and thrive.
There is at least one SBDC in every state, plus a few in the U.S. territories. Here in Louisiana, there are seven regional centers that services all 64 parishes. Besides the free consulting they offer, the SBDCs have workshops and seminars that you can attend to learn business basics or polish skills. Some topics are: technology, taxes, business plan development, software applications, and marketing.
If you are curious about starting your own business, or already have one and are looking to gain some new insight, let us help connect you with our friends at the ULL Small Business Development Center in Lafayette. They are currently offering webinars in lieu of face-to-face seminars, and the next event is titled “Small Business 101.” Click the link here to register for this event, and check out some of their upcoming events as well!