Lamm Family Care has provided home care to Southwest Louisiana since 1990. In 2012, Lamm expanded their services to end of life care by providing hospice services to our community. Lamm Family Care is the only independently owned and operated home health and hospice providers that have their home offices seated right here in Acadia Parish. We are owned and staffed by local healthcare professionals that reside right here in Acadiana.
Our Mission Statement: Delivery of care and resources for those facing recovery from an injury, transitions of aging, other serious illness or the end of life. Patients can transition from one care setting to another through our continuum of care and enjoy peace of mind.O
We have a strong belief in God, where individuals live life with universal principles of compassion, love and service to others for upliftment, without worry or doubt.
We honor the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles and moral uprightness.
We honor individual beliefs, values and strive to maintain each individual’s dignity and sense of purpose.
We strive to relieve the stress and suffering that can accompany aging and illness.
We have a duty to conduct ourselves with integrity and ethical behavior in a manner that will maintain the community’s trust.
Each member of Team Lamm takes great pride in our values and beliefs. Our Mission is Providing Care from Our Family to Yours. This is what we are really all about, our team is a family. This is the culture and work environment we strive to build, we keep it simple. We pray, we laugh, we talk, we lean on each other and we cry together. We spend time with each other even when we are away from our work, there is a bond that has been built.
We listen to our team and make sure we create a great work-life balance for them, this is so important. Happy employees makes a great working environment for all.

It is our goal to make sure every patient and family member is cared for as if they were our own. Our culture and community’s well-being is most important to us, after all they are our family. Our Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Therapists, Nurses, Aides consider it a privilege to serve our patient’s home care and hospice needs every day. Beyond our end of life care our Spiritual Counselors and Volunteers continue to provide assistance and guidance to families through our bereavement services and grief sessions.
We have been named as a HOSPICE HONORS recipient for the third year in a row, acknowledging hospice agencies that demonstrate an ongoing commitment to high quality patient care. Hospice Honors is a landmark compilation of hospices providing the best patient and caregiver experience. This prestigious annual review recognizes hospices that continuously provide the highest level of quality as measured from the caregiver’s point of view. It is such an honor to receive this feedback, it confirms for us as a Team and an organization that we are making a difference in the lives of those that we care for.