Gov. John Bel Edwards held a news conference today to explain the latest restrictions as the state moves into Phase 3. Edwards announced that Louisiana will move into Phase 3 starting on Friday, September 11, 2020.
Bars can reopen in Phase 3. However, they can open only if the parish they are located in opts-in to reopen with the state. That parish has to have a 5 percent positivity rate or lower for at least two weeks.
Bars will be restricted to 25% capacity with no more than 50 people indoors.
Patrons of bars can only be served by table-side service.
No one under the age of 21 is allowed inside a bar.
Last call will be at 10 p.m. and the bars must be closed by 11 p.m., per the Governor’s order.
Edwards also said that there will not be any changes with nursing home visitation in Phase 3.
However, he did announce a pilot program for outdoor nursing home visitation in parishes that have a positivity rate below 5 percent. According to Edwards, the decision on nursing homes was made because the older population has been hit hardest by the coronavirus.
Live music is still not allowed indoors.
Group events like weddings, gatherings and birthday parties are allowed to operate at 50% and capped at 250 people.
According to Edwards, all other businesses can continue to operate now at a 75% capacity with social distancing measures in place.
Sporting events like football games will be allowed to have a 25% capacity and no alcohol will be allowed on site.
The mask mandate will remain in place for Phase 3.
Edwards said the latest data from the past two weeks was low enough to move into the next Phase.